Student Wellbeing Support

Student Wellbeing Support

There is a huge array of support online that is free to access and offers guidance, advice, support and tips on how to deal with mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. This support ranges from case studies to helpful hints, and also provides contact numbers to access the support.

Remember our Designated Safeguarding Leads – Mrs Elliott  / Ms Smith / Mr Amos and our Pastoral Team are always here to help.

Mrs Elliott
Mr Amos
Ms Smith

The school’s ‘Be Heard Box’ is situated in the PLC, Students can ensure that they get the support and advice they need by posting their concerns.

Please browse through these useful links and resources 

Mental Health / Wellbeing

Support and listening for people under 25. Tel: 0808 808 4994 (24 hours)
Online Counselling Service

General Safeguarding

Email Tel: 0808 800 5000
 Tel 116 123 (24 Hours)



Sexual Health & Wellbeing