Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is a grant allocated to children from low-income families who are, or have been, eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years (FSM/Ever 6), children of service personnel and children who have been looked-after continuously for more than 6 months (CLA).

At Dormston School we believe that every student should be given the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability. Education is absolutely crucial to the life chances of all young people, so we take the responsibility of ensuring that each student has access to a high quality provision very seriously. We recognise that children come from different backgrounds and receive varying levels of support at home. We believe that all students should be encouraged to aim high and we actively seek to establish a positive ethos based on the simple principle that every students should try their best and that the pupil premium is used effectively to remove some of the barriers that students within our school may face.

Main barriers to educational achievement

The purpose of the pupil premium funding is to improve the attainment and progress of eligible students and close the gap between them and their wealthier peers (both in-school and nationally).  Whilst making decisions about pupil premium spending it is important to consider the context of Dormston School and the subsequent challenges faced by students. The main barriers include; lower literacy and numeracy levels, reduced student and parent engagement with school and learning, low aspirations, more frequent vulnerabilities and behavioural issues, attendance and punctuality concerns and funding for curriculum based trips. 

Whilst establishing the most appropriate interventions for eligible students, reference has been made to the Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit which suggests the best results are achieved from promoting metacognition, improving purposeful feedback, utilising pastoral interventions and giving access to first class teaching and resources.


Education is absolutely crucial to the life chances of all young people, so we take the responsibility of ensuring that each pupil has access to a high quality provision very seriously.