We firmly believe that Physical Education should be for all pupils. Thus our teaching encourages all students to develop their prowess and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Our pupils are given the skills and techniques needed to participate in a number of sports, allowing them the opportunity to continue to access these activities outside of school and ultimately on leaving us.
Physical Education is currently taught by 5 members of staff:
Mr S. Bell – Head of Physical Education
Mr N. Amos – Assistant Headteacher
Mr P. Amos – Head of Avon House
Mrs K. Williams – Physical Education Teacher
Miss I. Lines – Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education at Dormston School is largely taught in single-sex, setted groups at KS3. The pupils do a series of basic co-ordination skill tests on joining us and this allows us to place pupils in the correct set for them to make maximum progress. These sets are then reviewed on a regular basis. Experience has taught us that pupils make more rapid progress in these sets.
A programme of activities is followed throughout each year in KS3, with groups changing activity each half-term. Allowing pupils to work on any one activity for up to 40 hours in the Key Stage. The focus in Year 7 & 8 is the development of the basic techniques and advanced skills for each activity. In year 9 the focus becomes the application of these skills in competitive situations and we begin to explore tactics and strategies for success in much more depth.
Activities covered in KS3 are: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Dance, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Netball, Rounders, Rugby, Striking & Fielding Sports and Trampolining.
At KS4 pupils have the opportunity to develop their prowess in a number of activities. Many of these follow on from the KS3 programme, but others have a greater emphasis on health and fitness. Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of their activities through active participation in competitive situations. KS4 lessons usually start in similar setted groups to those used in KS3, but as the pupils move towards greater freedom in the selection of the activities they pursue, the sets often become mixed ability and mixed gender.
In Year 11 pupils undertake a series of activities they have chosen, with an emphasis on enjoyment and relieving stress from their academic studies.
Pupils study the AQA course. Like all GCSE Physical Education specifications the final assessment is based around 60% from 2 written exams, and 40% on practical assessments.
On exam paper 1 students will be examined on Applied Anatomy & Physiology and Physical Training. Paper 2 assesses knowledge and understanding of the Health & Fitness, Sports Psychology and Socio-cultural modules. In both exams pupils are expected to analyse data effectively.
For the practical component of the course we use the student’s assessments in their 3 best activities, although one must be a team game and one an individual activity. In addition this 40% is made up of an analysis of performance piece in one activity.
Pupils receive 6 hours of GCSE Physical Education in a fortnight. These are generally divided into practical and theory lessons, although in the latter part of Year 11 the vast majority of lessons will be used to prepare for the exams. In Year 10 students will participate in a wide range of practical activities, before focussing on their three strongest sports in Year 11. Year 11 is also when they will complete their analysis task. This involves watching a performance from one of their peers, commenting on strengths and weaknesses before developing an improvement plan for that person.
In each of the last 3 years over 80% of GCSE Physical Education students have achieved A* – C passes.
The Physical Education department run numerous clubs and teams. We have lunchtime and after-school clubs that cater for pupils who just want to be active or develop their ability; as well as running practices for our school teams. The school participates in a full range of the competitive sports offered within Dudley that include: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cross-Country, Football, Gymnastics and Netball; giving the pupils an opportunity to represent their school. This then provides pathways for recognition at District, County, Regional and even National level.
In addition we have a programme of Interhouse Sports that runs throughout the year that culminates in our Annual Sports day where the whole school relocates to The Dell Stadium to compete or support their house.
We also run ski trips on a regular basis, taking pupils to Andorra, Austria, Canada, Italy and the USA.