

Welcome to the Drama Department.

The drama department is run by a dedicated group of staff who are passionate about the arts. We aim to inspire and harvest a love for drama amongst all our students.

We believe a drama learner has a set of qualities which we help to develop and nurture through our lessons:


Those students who show a particular ability or love for drama may take the subject for GCSE where we specialise in both performance and technical design: lighting, costume, and sound.

Drama lessons run twice a fortnight in year 7 and if students opt to take the subject at GCSE level, the number of lessons increases to six per fortnight.

In a role on the wall in drama, the words on the inside of the body and the outside tell us things about the character.

For our drama learner, the inside shows the SKILLS AND QUALITIES which we believe every learner has.

The outside shows the ACTIONS we expect students to use in lessons


Each term we study a different topic and skill area (taken from the GCSE assessment objectives) which increase in difficulty each year.

Year Group

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 7




The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty


Theatre Makers in Practice

Introduction to Acting


Performance from Text

Year 8

The Woman in Black


Theatre Makers in Practice

Making a Positive Change – Theatre in Education



Developing a monologue/duologue


Performance from Text

Year 9

Crime and Punishment



Noughts and Crosses


Theatre Makers in Practice


Contemporary Performance


Performance from Text


GCSE Drama offers pupils the opportunity to develop as creative, effective, independent and reflective learners. It encourages pupils to apply knowledge and understanding when making, performing and responding to drama. Throughout the two year course, pupils will explore performance texts focusing upon their social, cultural and historical context. In GCSE Drama pupils develop a range of theatrical skills and apply these to create performances. The GCSE Drama course is in three parts:

Component 1: Devising (40%)

Create and develop a devised piece from stimulus.


  • A devised performance.
  • A portfolio (covering the creating, developing, analysis and evaluation process);

Component 2: Performance from Text (20%)

Pupils will either perform in and /or design for two key extracts from a performance text.


  • Assessed by visiting examiner.

Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice (40%)

Practical exploration and study of one complete performance text.

Live theatre evaluation.


  • Written examination.

How we assess

In KS3 we assess through the following four areas, which stem from the Edexcel GCSE Assessment Objectives:

  • Creating
  • Acting
  • Knowledge
  • Evaluation

In KS4 we assess based on a combination of practice performances, mock examinations, marked responses and in-class assessment.

Subject specific websites to support independent learning and revision

Trips & Visits

Year 7 Theatre Trip

GCSE London Theatre Trip

Opportunities for visiting practitioners and workshops

Knowledge Organisers
