

At Dormston, we believe that homework plays an important part of every pupil’s educational experience. Evidence-based research has shown that students who regularly complete homework tend to make greater academic progress than those who don’t (Education Endowment Foundation).

Homework is an integral part of the school’s curriculum and offers many benefits to your child’s learning. It allows pupils to review and consolidate what they have learnt throughout the school day and also gives them the opportunity to prepare for future learning. Moreover, the completion of homework helps pupils to develop their independence, timekeeping and demonstrates the importance of a good work ethic.

All homework is recorded by staff on Go4Schools. Pupils can easily see upcoming homework tasks and are encouraged to check Go4Schools regularly to ensure they are up to date with their studies. Go4Schools also offers parents an insight into the homework that has been set and they can also monitor completion of homework and whether their child’s work has been received by the classroom teacher. Go4Schools can be accessed online or through the free app.