Governing Body

Governing Body

Welcome to The Dormston School. Thank you for choosing to visit our website to find out about the work that Governors do in support of our wonderful school. At Dormston, we believe that  students learn and flourish when they feel safe and happy to come to school. We therefore work hard to develop the personal and social skills of our students, rooted in mutual respect and high expectations. We aim to offer the highest possible academic standards, supporting our expectation that all students are encouraged to do their very best.


Our Governors

Our Governing Body members are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds. We have staff and parent governors who are directly linked to the school, governors appointed by the Local Authority, and governors who have been co-opted to serve on the Governing Body in view of the particular skills they offer. The diversity of skills, experience and expertise we possess as a whole enables us to challenge, support and complement the work of the school. The Governing Body meets as often as required, meeting once each term as a minimum. Our membership structure is currently as follows:


Mr M Malhan


Mrs C Sutton 


Miss C Aston –Resources Committee Vice Chair

Mrs E Gobourn


N Grundy – Deputy Headteacher

Mrs J Elliott – Deputy Headteacher


Mr G Craig – Chair of Governors

Mrs E Hindle – Vice Chair of Governors


Mrs T Westwood – Resources Committee Chair

Mrs C Reynolds


Mrs N Millership  


 Nicola Chapman


At Dormston, we believe that children learn and flourish when they feel safe and happy to come to school. We therefore work hard to develop the personal and social skills of our children, rooted in mutual respect and high expectations.

Committee Structure
Much of the work of the Governing Body is carried out at committee level. We have two specially tasked committees in place who work to specific terms of reference and a scheduled programme of meetings. In addition, we also have statutory committees in place for the purposes of disciplinary and dismissal matters. Governors have subject links attached to their role and visit the school on a regular basis, meeting with staff and pupils.

Our committee structure is currently as follows:
The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to monitor the teaching and learning provision of the school. The committee meets termly as a minimum.
Our Resources Committee are tasked with monitoring finance, buildings and estates, health and safety and personnel matters. The committee meets as required, meeting on a termly basis as a minimum.
Whole School Community

As a Governing Body, we believe that parents, carers, pupils, staff and members of the wider local community all have an equally important role to play in the success of our school and we value the contribution of our whole school community enormously. In addition to our formal Governing Body committees, we also hold regular Parent Committee meetings on an informal basis as an opportunity for you to share your views with us.

If you are interested in attending please contact Mrs K Otton on 01384 816395 for further details.
