Everyone has the right to be themselves and feel safe – don’t give this power away to anyone or any group. Know what bullying is:
Verbal – Name calling, offensive language, racist comments, the use of put downs or insults, spreading malicious rumours, belittling others.
Indirect – Victimisation, stand-over tactics, threatening others, deliberate exclusion from activities, the setting up of humiliating experiences, offensive notes or material, graffiti, and so on.
Physical – Fighting, pushing, spitting, invasion of personal space, gestures, forcing people against their will. Inappropriate touching, invasion of personal space, destroying or damaging other people’s possessions.
We also make sure that any discrimination e.g racial, Homophobic/transphobic/biphobic or any sexist/disability issues are dealt with in the same consistent manner.
Please contact your child’s Head of House if you have any concerns regarding bullying
A whole school approach, along with school leadership, needs to be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.
We have trained anti-bullying ambassadors who meet regularly to discuss issues within our society and school that we need to deal with. We have also completed the Anti-Bullying Alliance “All Together” Programme which has highlighted what we do well as a school and our areas that we can and will improve.
The full policy is available on the school website under Our/School Policies. We also recommend that this policy is read in conjunction with the Behaviour Policy